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Friday, September 2, 2011

Book Review: The Way of Kings, by Brandon Sanderson

Book Review of The Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson

Other Worlds' Rating: 10 out of 10 stars

Yes, it really deserves a 10.

The Way of Kings is the first novel in the planned Stormlight Archive. It has several main viewpoint characters - Kaladin, the warrior turned slave, Shallan, the scholar turned thief, and Dalinar, the Brightlord turned visionary. It is a tale about bravery, loyalty, and trust.

Seriously, folks, this is a great book. If you like epic fantasy, and you haven't read this, then you really, really need to. Sanderson has always been great about creating imaginative worlds and magic systems, but this one really tops them all. I was blown away by the depth of the world he's created, and by the depth he puts into his characters. Kaladin's story pulled at my heartstrings, it frustrated me when no one would listen to Dalinar, and Shallan's story kept me confused at which side to pull for. It was really a great read. Don't let the massive size of this volume scare you - you'll love every minute of it.

The plot was amazing - it was extremely subtle, but Sanderson does an unrivaled job of setting up the scene and helping you understand the way the world works. This works to his advantage in many ways - it helps give the world more depth, it helps us understand the characters and their motivations better, and it makes it so that when we really understand what the problem is, it is that much more important to us.

I couldn't give this any less than a 10. It was simply excellent. Once again, I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes epic fantasy, or who is just looking for a good read.

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